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About this Blog

S/V Johanna Rose

C&C Landfall 38

This blog describes the experiences of purchasing, rebuilding, and updating a 1981 C&C Landfall 38.  To see details on the vessel and read excerpts from reviews, click on the "About the vessel" link.  For details on the many projects which were done during the main refitting/rebuilding, see the many links below for project details   While the main refitting is done, i.e.,  Johanna Rose is now is now fit to sail a reasonable distance, the projects continue.

When I purchased Johanna Rose (previously Seabbattical, yuck!), a C&C Landfall 38, I knew I was getting a project.  Prior to this I had done some work in upgrading and maintaining my older C&C 29, but I have learned a tremendous amount working on this project.   From the time I unstepped the mast, hauled out, splashed back, and stepped the mast, 14 months passed by.  I lived over an hour away, and I spent practically every weekend at the marina.  During this time I would admit only to owning a project.  But now she's a sailboat.  While no longer referred to as a project, we all know the projects never end ...

There are several online resources and folks I must thank for providing helpful information.   First, any C&C owner knows (or should) of the wealth of information on the C&C Photo Album website and associated CnC mailing list.  Stu's site is not only full of C&C related information but sustains a vibrant and supportive community.  Folks here are wonderful at providing useful knowledge.   There is also the Stella Blue site.  If you want to see a great & useful site about restoring a C&C Landfall 38, then go to Wally's site.  His work is a real inspiration, and the site valuable guide for many DYI sailboat projects.  Randall's friendship, advice, and guidance has bee (and is) exceptionally valuable, and his help on the impossible jobs were on par with miracles.  The Eric and the folks at MS Dockside Marina are like family.  They have been an enormous help throughout it all, and I truly enjoyed giving them a hand whenever I can.


1 comment:

  1. Hello, I was reviewing the work that you did to replace your port windows on your land Fall 38. Very nice write up of this job. How difficult is it to remove the old window? I have 85 C&C 33MKII and need reseal/replace the port windows. The windows on my boat are not in such bad shape just leak and I may try and salvage rather than purchase new lexan. Did you need any specials tools or technique to extract the old windows? Thank you for the time.
    Tom Lynch S/V IndoIrish / Bayfield WI.
